Look at all my cute babies below. These belong to Ms. Eula Goodnight who is a blue point Siamese. The papa of these babies is my blue point Balinese. I crossed these two so I could get a litter that was all blue, and guess what? I did! These babies were born June 28, 2024 and will be ready to go to new homes on September 6, 2024.
All of these babies right now are walking, running and playing. Not a shy one in the bunch!
Some of their pictures may look like seals, because pictures are darker than real life, but they are two things, blue and cute! If you have any interest in any of these that are available, please fill out my contact form on the home page and reference their, "name" and I'll get back to you as quickly as I can. Enjoy!
Thank you!
All of these babies right now are walking, running and playing. Not a shy one in the bunch!
Some of their pictures may look like seals, because pictures are darker than real life, but they are two things, blue and cute! If you have any interest in any of these that are available, please fill out my contact form on the home page and reference their, "name" and I'll get back to you as quickly as I can. Enjoy!
Thank you!
SOLD! This is a little boy and his name is 24-EM-1. This guy is saying okay, pictures are over with. Let me down to go play. NEOW! LOLOL
Michelle! This little boy is wondering if you will be his new mom??? He said to ask you, please??????
Michelle! This little boy is wondering if you will be his new mom??? He said to ask you, please??????
SOLD! This is a little girl. Her name is 24-EF-2. She is asking why hasn't anyone picked me yet? LOLOL
SOLD! This little one is a male, named 24-EM-3. This boy is anxious to come to his new home Michelle! He said so!
SOLD! This is a female, 24-EF-4. She is just waking up from a nap, that would be a cat nap. LOLOL
SOLD! This is a male, 24-EM-5. This boy seems to be saying, "Who me????"
SOLD! This is a male, 24-EM-6. This boy looks a little fearful! He's not though!
This is a male, 24-EM-7. He looks a little grumpy! LOLOL